Student Behavior Management Matrix
Teacher/Classroom Managed
Administration Managed Behaviors
Research-Based Strategies for Creating a Positive Classroom Climate
Building Blocks
Reinforce Positive Behaviors (4 : 1 Ratio) * see note
Problem Solve
Request Family Support
Research-based strategies for a Positive Classroom
Zones of regulation (K-4)
Morning meetings
Closing circles
Calming Corner
RED BLUE ORANGE Behavior Clip Chart
RED = Ready to Learn
BLUE = Beginning to need intervention
ORANGE = Oh no - parent contact
Class Rewards System​
Marble Jar (K-3)
Class Point Prizes
Character Education - Student of the Month Awards and Assembly
How to Observe and Identify Problem Behaviors
Document and identify how the behavior is managed.
10-second Intervention - Talk with the student about the choice and future expectations.
Warnings - These can be verbal warnings with the following consequences: Time out, contact parents, loss of privilege, play area restriction, reflection)
Inappropriate Language/Body Language
Off Task Behavior
In class disruptions
Inability to self-regulate
Lying/False Information
PINK SLIP - Automatic parent contact:
Students will be issued a pink slip for repeated warnings at the teacher's discretion: Parents must be contacted by the teacher for these repeated behaviors OR for one of the following:
Constant class disruptions
Continued lack of adherence to classroom rules
Physical fighting or hitting
Rude, disrespectful behavior
PLEASE NOTE: The student must have received a pink slip and parents must be notified by the teacher before being sent to administration - unless the infraction is an extreme case.
Note: A pink slip will document constant behavioral infringements so that parent/administration conferences will be effective.