Roles and Responsibilities
Mission & Philosophy
The Board is the steward of KZV's core values. We are committed to:
Maintaining academic excellence
Fostering a nurturing environment with small class sizes
Promoting immersion in the Armenian language and cultural
All in an effort to provide an outstanding, well-rounded education, delivered in a safe, personalized environment highlighting the Armenian culture, language, and religion.
View here.
Through the planning process, the Board and school staff translate the organization’s mission into objectives and goals, helping us to focus our energy and resources. We are currently in the prioritization process for the current academic year, and will be reaching out to understand your needs. For example, in the past year we revamped our online presence, from website to newsletters, as the previous versions were no longer functional on mobile devices or easily updated. We continue to integrate legacy communications into these new tools.
Organization and Reporting
Both Principal Andonian and the Board report directly to The Prelacy, and KZV’s Board has an advisory role in assisting Principal Andonian and the Prelacy in achieving our shared goals. Board members are elected every 2 years, and nominations are openly accepted during openings. We meet approximately every 3 weeks on campus during the school year.
A critical role for the Board is the stewardship of the school’s finances. We work with Principal Andonian to set an annual budget, then have a monthly operational budget variance review where we discuss the financial performance of the school, making adjustments as necessary. We depend on tuition, the annual banquet fundraiser, and private donations to ensure our financial stability. We are always looking for innovative ways to increase KZV’s financial security, and welcome your feedback and insights.
Our Members
Vartan Demirjian
Board Member
Vartan Demirjian is a small business owner in San Francisco with over 30 years of management experience. He has been an active member of the community in several organizations. His wife served as treasurer of the PTA for eight years and his son is a graduate of the class of 2015. He has always believed in the mission of the school and seeing the education, nurture and care it has provided for the youth makes him want to participate and try and offer more of it to our community.