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We believe that all children should have a nurturing environment that promotes a successful early learning experience. Ovsanna Misserlian Preschool is committed to fostering continued growth and development of the “whole child”, which encompasses the areas of social, emotional, cognitive, creative and physical skills.

For more in-depth information, please click on the boxes below.

​License # 380505320


  • Each child is an individual who deserves to be respected and appreciated for his/her own unique

  • young children must feel safe, secured, loved, appreciated and given a sense of empowerment before any learning can occur

  • young children learn best by interacting with their environment in a “hands-on” fashion during play

  • the best curriculum for young children is one that provides creativity and exploration to promote growth in all areas of development (social, emotional, physical, intellectual and creative). 


Teachers and teacher assistants are bilingual, experienced and have exceeded the Early Childhood
Education State requirements. They are trained in pediatric CPR and First Aid. In addition, they continue
to update their education by attending classes, workshops and seminars. 


Preschool for All (PFA) is San Francisco’s universal preschool initiative, administered by First 5 San Francisco. It was created by a local proposition (Proposition H, the Public Education and Enrichment
Fund or “PEEF”) in March 2004. The goal of PFA is to provide high quality preschool available to all 4-year-old children in the City of San Francisco by building upon the current early care and education
system, bringing together public and private providers to ensure that children enter kindergarten with a strong foundation for learning and succeeding in school and in life.


PFA-funded preschool enrollment is available to all San Francisco city-resident families, regardless of income. PFA will fund eligible child enrollment for a set number of daily hours. For every PFA Program Year, only children residing in the City of San Francisco that are, or will be, 4-year-old by December 2 of that
school year are eligible for Preschool For All funding. The fund will come to KZV and the school will pass the credit to the eligible students. For more information, please inquire at the office.


KZV Armenian Preschool (Ovsanna Misserlian Preschool) is licensed by the State of California Social Services Department to serve the needs of children 2½ to 5 years old. We use child initiated Developmentally Appropriate “creative curriculum” that targets all the interest areas such as blocks, dramatic play, toys and games, art, library,
discovery, sand and water, music and movement, cooking, and outdoors. The Preschool classes are taught entirely in the Armenian language.


We also meet or exceed all California State Licensing requirements for adult-to-child classroom ratios.
The California Licensing ratio of teacher to young preschool children is 1:12. Preschool For All funds the
morning portion of the day; therefore during the morning portion, the ratio is 1:8.



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Copyright 2022
Krouzian-Zekarian-Vasbouragan Armenian School 

Contact Us


825 Brotherhood Way
San Francisco, CA 94132

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