Noushig Karpanian
Class of 1995
Noushig (second from right) is a Class of 1995 alumnus. After KZV she attended Notre Dame High School in Belmont graduating in 1999. In high school, Noushig welcomed every opportunity to introduce her Armenian identity to her classmates, teachers, and the administration, and successfully ensured that the Armenian genocide was incorporated into the official curriculum of her high school’s world history classes.
Noushig was inspired by Santa Clara University's Jesuit vision to “educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion and cultivate knowledge and faith to build a more humane, just, and sustainable world,” She graduated in 2003 from SCU with a double major in History and Political Science. She continued on to her graduate education in Politics at UC Santa Cruz from 2005-2007.
Currently, Noushig lives in Southern California and works at UCLA’s prestigious Broad Stem Cell Research Center, which aims to provide patient therapies for incurable diseases. She is a member of its senior leadership and serves as the center’s Director of HR, Finance, and Research Administration.
Noushig is an active member and volunteer with the Armenian National Committee of America’s “America We Thank You: A Tribute to Near East Relief,” campaign, which is a movement to recognize the outpouring of generosity by the American people and their humanitarian efforts.
Noushig is indebted to KZV for cultivating her sense of identity. She is forever grateful for all the plays and Hantes performances, which she credits, for her public speaking skills! She is most proud of still holding the record for the Spelling Bee, where she placed 4th in the San Mateo County Spelling Bee, from a group of 180 participants.
Though no longer officially residing in the Bay Area, Noushig still actively engages with the Bay Area Armenian community, notably with KZV, which she equates to as her home away from home.